Photo, Voice, and Text Meal Logging


Photo, voice, and text meal logging is a new feature that allows you to quickly log meals without having to search for foods or individual ingredients manually. Photo meal logging allows you to take a picture of your meal to automatically detect the ingredients, while voice/text logging allows you to use voice or text to describe your meal to identify the ingredients.

Who has access to this feature?

Photo, voice, and text meal logging is currently available to Noomers in the U.S. using iOS or Android devices, provided that they have the most recent version of the app installed.

How to Use Photo Logging or Scan Meal

When you begin logging a meal:

  1. Tap the Scan Meal tab on the meal logging page.
  2. Take a photo of your meal.
  3. Upload your photo and the app will use A.I. to identify all the ingredients and portions within the photo.
  4. After the photo is processed, you can review the ingredients identified on the Meal Review page and edit, add, or swap ingredients.

Photo Logging Best Practices

Here are some tips to help you when using photo logging:

  1. Make sure everything is in the frame, including drinks.
  2. When possible, use a plate or flat surface to make it easier to see all the ingredients at once.
  3. When eating anything enclosed, try taking a picture from the side to make it easier to see all the ingredients inside.
  4. If any ingredients are missed, it’s easy to add them in at the end.

How to Use Voice/Text Logging or Describe Meal

When you begin logging a meal:

  1. Tap the Describe Meal tab on the meal logging page.
  2. Type your entire meal or tap the mic icon at the bottom of the screen to record audio of your meal.
  3. When you’re satisfied with your input, tap the Done button in the top right corner to have the meal processed.
  4. After the meal is processed, you can review the ingredients identified on the Meal Review page and edit, add, or swap ingredients.

Note: When using the speech recording, you’ll be asked for permission to use your microphone and iOS speech recognition from Apple.

Voice/Text Logging Best Practices

Here are some tips to help you when using voice/text logging:

  • Break out each ingredient and portion separately for the most accurate results.
  • When possible, list specific quantities for each ingredient (i.e. 2 cups, 3 tablespoons, etc.).
  • If using generic language (i.e. some grapes, a few almonds, etc.) we’ll do our best to match a proper portion size. If that doesn’t yield the correct results, we recommend using specific quantities instead.
  • When logging branded items, list out the full name of the ingredient and the brand.
  • You can access a tooltip on the Describe Meal tab (i button) that explains how to get the most accurate results. 

Incorrect or Misidentified Ingredient

If an ingredient is incorrect or misidentified, tap the Alternates button (circle of arrows) to see potential alternates that have been identified for that food.

Reporting Issues and Providing Feedback

After logging your meal, you’ll see an optional feedback section where you can rank your experience, select any issues that occurred, and enter any relevant details.