Noom Weight Welcome Guide

What Is The 16-Week Noom Weight Program?

Noom is a foundational course focused on behavioral change to help you learn, practice and master healthy habits. Think of the Noom app as your virtual, interactive classroom! You’ll receive daily lessons with tips, challenges, and strategies to help you start taking action right away. After completing the 16 weeks, you’ll have the option to continue on to part 2 of our program, which is designed to enhance your healthy habits and make these behaviors your new normal. Here’s a brief overview of the topics you’ll be learning about:

Weight Loss Foundations

Nutrition Foundations, Part 1

Nutrition Foundations, Part 2

Physical Activity Foundations, Part 1

Sleep Foundations

Barriers, Frustration Tolerance, and Coping


Changing Your Thoughts

Advanced Dietary Recommendations

Eating in Social Situations

Physical Activity Foundations, Part 2

Dealing With Stress


Staying Motivated and Overcoming a Plateau

 Planning for the Future

What Makes Noom Different From Other Programs I’ve Tried?

While some diets claim to help you lose 20 pounds in 30 days, these are extreme results and aren’t sustainable long-term. With this extreme approach to weight loss, the weight tends to return shortly after the diet commences. If your goal is to lose weight and keep it off, losing a lot of weight in a short amount of time is not realistic or healthy. Noom believes in making small changes each day to help you lose weight and develop healthier habits that you can take with you throughout the rest of your life.

Will Noom Provide Me With A Meal Or Exercise Plan?

The Noom program fits into everyone’s life differently, which is why we don’t prescribe a one-size-fits-all plan. You’ll learn the foundations of healthy living through the daily lessons you’ll be reading, and then work with your Noom Coaches to create a dynamic plan that’s flexible and comfortable for your unique life. Anyone from vegetarians to vegans and those with specific food preferences or intolerances can find success in our program.