Supportive Partner Course


A partner, family members, and friends are likely to play a major role in your journey. We found that Noomers who have individuals close to them who fully understand their needs and have the knowledge to support them, lose weight faster during their Noom program.

The Supportive Partner Course is a set of online articles designed to help your supporter be there for you through your weight loss journey with Noom, whether it’s to cheer on your successes, to help you bounce back if you slip up, or simply to understand what you’re going through. 

We’ll guide the supporter in helping you by understanding Noom-y terms, helping them navigate grocery shopping, and knowing what to say when they encounter a roadblock. But more importantly, we’ll help you and your supporter find joy together in leading a healthier, sustainable lifestyle—one that includes good food and good fun.

Adding the Supportive Partner Course

The Supportive Partner Course is available free of charge to Noomers in the US who are signing up for a Noom Weight subscription. When you get to the Accountability Buddy screen during the signup process, simply enter the name and email address of the person you want to add as your supporter and tap Next.

Accessing the Supportive Partner Course

An email with the link to the Supportive Partner Course is typically sent to your supporter within a few hours of your initial enrollment. It should be in their email, but if it’s not showing up it could have accidentally gone to their spam or promotions folders.

The Supportive Partner Course emails are also sent to you in case you decide you’d like to add another supporter at a later time. You can then just forward those emails to your new supporter. If the supporter that you initially signed up for didn’t receive the emails, please feel free to forward the ones you received to them.