Four Important Trends You Need to Know About Employee Health

  • Blog
  • Noom for Work
  • 1 min read


In today's fast-paced work environment, employee health is more important than ever. As companies strive to foster productivity and maintain a positive workplace culture, understanding the landscape of employee health can shed light on necessary interventions. Let's dig a little deeper into the four trends that highlight the critical health issues facing employees today, and learn about the benefits available to support employee health and productivity.
By Noom Team

In today’s fast-paced work environment, employee health is more important than ever. As companies strive to foster productivity and maintain a positive workplace culture, understanding the landscape of employee health can shed light on necessary interventions. Consider this:

  • According to the World Health Organization, depression and anxiety disorders cost the global economy $1 trillion per year in lost productivity. Mental health is often stigmatized and overlooked, but it can have a significant impact on an employee’s performance and well-being.14
  • Nearly 50% of employees report being sleep-deprived, leading to decreased productivity and increased absenteeism.12
  • Chronic conditions such as obesity and diabetes are on the rise. An increasing proportion of people in America are dealing with multiple chronic conditions; 42% have 2 or more, and 12% have at least 5.13

Let’s dig a little deeper into the four trends that highlight the critical health issues facing employees today, and learn about the benefits available to support employee health and productivity.

  1. Chronic Conditions and Workplace Impact

A staggering 54% of employees report living with one or more chronic conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, or depression1. These conditions not only affect employees’ quality of life but also their ability to perform at work. Even more concerning, 30% of employees live with two or more chronic conditions, significantly impacting their daily lives and workplace productivity2. Without proper intervention, about 12% of at-risk employees will develop a chronic condition within the next year4. This highlights the urgent need for effective health management solutions, preventive measures, and early intervention to maintain a healthy workforce.

  1. Physical Activity Boosted By Engaging Health Platforms

More than half of employees do not engage in regular physical activity, increasing the risk of chronic diseases and compounding health issues in the workplace5. Modern digital health platforms like Noom deliver intensive, human-coached programs that result in a 10% sustained weight loss. These innovative solutions play a crucial role in preventing and managing chronic conditions, offering hope for healthier employees

  1. Heart Disease, Diabetes Risk, and Medical Costs

Nearly 70% of employees are at risk of developing heart disease or type 2 diabetes. Sedentary lifestyles and poor nutrition have contributed to this alarming rise, making proactive health management essential3. The annual medical cost for an employee with type 2 diabetes is approximately $14,000, over three times the cost of a healthy employee5. This significant expense underscores the financial impact of chronic diseases on both employees and employers.

  1. Workplace Productivity and Economic Impact

Type 2 diabetes leads to 17 million absent workdays, 135 million workdays with reduced productivity, and 115 million workdays lost due to diabetes-related unemployment each year. These losses highlight the substantial impact chronic conditions have on overall workplace efficiency. Chronic diseases cost employers over $1 trillion annually due to lost productivity and healthcare expenses.10 The economic burden emphasizes the need for comprehensive workplace wellness programs.

Additionally, weight loss can potentially trigger psychological challenges, including increased

feelings of depression and anxiety. These mental health challenges can persist or even

intensify during the weight loss process, presenting a complex set of issues that require

comprehensive care.

These trends paint a concerning picture of employee health, but they also highlight the opportunities for effective intervention.

Findings from a 2021 Noom study involving 3,485 participants aged 18 to 50 using Noom Weight (who self-reported this information after at least six months in the program) revealed significant enhancements in mental wellness post-program. Notable improvements included a 20% increase in overall mental wellness and a 14% decrease in anxiety levels. These findings underscore Noom’s effectiveness in addressing the psychological complexities often associated with weight loss, offering valuable support to individuals navigating mental health challenges.11

“Lifestyle and behavior change programs are pivotal in transforming employee health,” explains Jennifer Jones, Noom’s Clinical Program Consultant. “By focusing on sustainable habits and personalized coaching, these programs empower individuals to take charge of their well-being, significantly reducing the risk of chronic diseases and enhancing overall productivity.

Programs like Noom for Work are essential in addressing these issues, providing personalized, supportive health coaching that encourages sustainable lifestyle changes. As we look towards a healthier future, integrating such programs into workplace wellness strategies can make a significant difference, promoting both individual well-being and organizational success.


  1. CDC – National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
  2. American Heart Association – Multiple Chronic Conditions
  3. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
  4. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health 
  5. American Diabetes Association 
  6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 
  7. National Business Group on Health 
  8. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 
  9. Noom Inc. 
  10. Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease
  11. E.S. Mitchell et al., Noom Weight Wellness Survey (Noom, Inc., 2021).
  12. National Safety Council
  13. Center for Disease Control
  14. World Health Organization

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