Over the past 20 years Caroline had tried every diet in the books. From cabbage soup and Slim Fast diets, to low-carb to low-fat crazes, Caroline was no stranger to the world of weight loss. But all roads lead to the same destination — weighing in more than when she had set out to lose weight.
After seeing a Facebook ad for Noom’s customized weight loss course, Caroline was intrigued. She loves technology, so the idea of trying something like Noom was exciting for her, and she decided she had nothing to lose.
Caroline loved that she was constantly pushed to think about the future too, and how she wanted her life to look, weeks, months, and years, down the line.
Knowing that Piyali would message me every week to ask about progress and help me set goals motivated me to think more about what I wanted to achieve long-term rather than just looking at day to day dieting.
Caroline also enjoyed Noom’s fun, interactive, and unique approach to leading a healthier lifestyle.
The daily articles and challenges helped me keep focused [and] provided some really useful tips and tricks. My favourite is the elephant and rider analogy — my elephant can be very headstrong and this concept helped me manage it better.
Having a group of peers to support and feel supported by was a huge motivator for Caroline.
This was definitely the most valuable bit for me. Reading about other people’s struggles helped keep my own in perspective. Posting encouragements to group members kept me encouraged myself in a way I wouldn’t have done on my own. Knowing that I was accountable to the group also helped me stay on track as I feel much better about myself posting successes and encouragements than admitting failures. But also being able to admit failures/lapses in a non-judgemental forum and receive encouragement has been extremely valuable.
Over the past six months, Caroline has been able to develop a number of new habits, and a passion for leading a more active lifestyle.
Last week I walked 7.5 miles around a Loch, with friends who are seasoned walkers, and my pace was quite close to theirs. Two years ago I got breathless after half a mile and the walk around the Loch was so far out of my league! have come to enjoy walking – which is a major change for me, as anyone who has known me a few years will tell you. I also took up swimming in September and went from 6 lengths of a 25m pool to 30 lengths in a month.
She also feels more confident in her everyday life and is enjoying the process.
I have dropped 2 dress sizes and can get into some clothes a size below that, if they are generous. I am starting to enjoy wearing ‘normal’ clothes again, instead of leggings and long jumpers and feeling like a sack of potatoes!
Since beginning her journey with Noom, Caroline has lost 42lbs, but some of the biggest strides she’s made are not physical.
My relationship with food, and especially with alcohol, has changed considerably so that neither now have the power over me that they used to. I can reason with myself most of the time, in a way that I couldn’t before, and turn down an extra glass, or an ice cream cone. I do sometimes factor one or other of these into my calorie allowance, to keep the elephant happy, but it’s on my terms, not his.
Overall, Caroline can’t believe how different her life looks now compared to six months ago. Best of all, she knows that the changes she has made are lifelong.
I am a lot more positive about myself and my health – to the point of boring people with it! I know I still have a long way to go but this time I believe I can do it, and maintain it. It’s a whole new lifestyle and I’m enjoying seeing the progress.
Congrats on your incredible progress, Caroline! We look forward to continuing to be a part of your journey to last health.
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