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Success Story: Sandra

1 min Read

At the start of her journey, Sandra felt exhausted, stressed, and just not like herself. She saw some pictures of herself on a family hike and says it was a huge wake up call. “My clothes weren’t fitting, I kept buying larger and larger sizes, and I couldn’t fit into anything in my closet. My knees […]

At the start of her journey, Sandra felt exhausted, stressed, and just not like herself. She saw some pictures of herself on a family hike and says it was a huge wake up call.
“My clothes weren’t fitting, I kept buying larger and larger sizes, and I couldn’t fit into anything in my closet. My knees were creaking and I was constantly exhausted,” Sandra says. She didn’t look or feel like herself, and she knew something had to change.
Sandra quickly pinpointed her stress levels as a source of her overeating. She wasn’t sure how to deal with stress properly, and wasn’t happy about any of it.
Once she downloaded Noom, Sandra realized just how little she understood about food. She recognized that food was something she used not just for comfort and celebration, but also for processing any emotion. Noom made her realize that she had no idea how many calories she needed in a day, or what “good” fats are.
Not long after she started Noom, Sandra says “eating started to make sense again.” She had simple guidelines she could easily follow, even when dining out. She says everything felt clear and reasonable to do. Now, she understands why she needs specific foods, and how exercise can fit into her daily routine. She says the step counter in Noom was a great tool to measure her daily activity, and now sports a wearable to track it even further.
Sandra has lost 16 pounds since she’s started, and aims to lose another eight. She feels a constant curiosity and excitement about her eating choices. She says the color categorizations of Noom are a great visual for her to track her daily progress and loves how easy it is to log a meal.
To those struggling to lose weight, Sandra says she always recommends Noom. “Once you start really looking into what you’re eating,” she says, “making the right choices becomes easy too.” Way to go, Sandra!