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How this brand-new mother lost 13 pounds

1 min Read

Sarah had always led a relatively healthy lifestyle. But after giving birth two 2 beautiful children in under 2 years, she struggled to find time to eat well, stay active, and drop the baby weight. When Sarah heard about Noom’s 16-week customized healthy weight course, she was excited about having the idea of having everything […]

Sarah had always led a relatively healthy lifestyle. But after giving birth two 2 beautiful children in under 2 years, she struggled to find time to eat well, stay active, and drop the baby weight.

When Sarah heard about Noom’s 16-week customized healthy weight course, she was excited about having the idea of having everything she would need to lose the weight at her fingertips!

When Sarah started her course, she was just as excited.

Noom made it easy! I had everything I needed to succeed at my fingertips, all in one place.

Working with Coach Tiffany was just the push Sarah needed to get going and stay accountable.

In the past, whenever I would start something, I’d give it a few days and then fall off the bandwagon. But Coach Tiffany has been awesome! We set goals, create action plans, and she checks in on me so consistently. It’s just what I need to stay on track.

The daily lessons also helped Sarah learn the ins-and-outs of healthy living.

I’ve learned tons of healthy swaps, easy ways to add activity to my day, and so much more.

The interactive challenges have really helped Sarah apply her knowledge and make changes that stick.

My ‘homework’ has been the best part! I’m constantly thinking about why I do what I do and learning more about myself every day. I’ve mapped out my behavior chain, identified my triggers, and made plans to overcome my biggest barriers to truly changed my habits.

Sarah has lost weight consistently throughout her journey and she’s now down 13 lbs and counting.

However, the biggest transformation Sarah‘s made has been changing her mentality. She now understands that it’s a lifelong journey — and she’s on it.

I never understood moderation before Noom. I was on or I was off. I was crazy healthy or totally eating awful. I had no idea how to find balance. I am not on it or off it. I’m on an entirely different road!

Congratulations on all of your success, Sarah! We are so excited to continue to follow your journey to a better health.

Ready to start writing your success story? Sign up for your personalized course today!