How Your Learning Style Can Help Your Health Journey

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Author: Tammy Taylor, CPT As health coaches, we’re keenly aware of the importance of being able to relate to our clients, build rapport, and understand how they take in and process information. We strive to know this because the more we can understand about how our clients think and assimilate information, the better chance we […]

Author: Tammy Taylor, CPT

As health coaches, we’re keenly aware of the importance of being able to relate to our clients, build rapport, and understand how they take in and process information. We strive to know this because the more we can understand about how our clients think and assimilate information, the better chance we have of helping the client reach his/her goals. Which is a win-win for everyone, right?!  

Howard Gardner, a Harvard psychologist, has broadened the definition of intelligence by proposing that there are 7 different types of intelligences that people can be born with, and that we tend to lean on our inherent type of intelligence as our way to learn and communicate. 

The 7 types of intelligences that Gardner Proposes are: 

  • Linguistic
  • Logical/mathematical
  • Spatial
  • Bodily/kinesthetic
  • Musical
  • Interpersonal
  • Intrapersonal

Let’s go over what these learning styles are and how you can utilize them to succeed on your journey to lasting health with Noom!

Linguistic – People who are strong in verbal communication are great at writing, speaking, memorizing information, and reading. As a Noom client, you will love the fun, psychology-based articles that are there to aid you in your health journey. 

Logical/mathematical – Those of you who are strong in mathematics and logic are great at reasoning and recognizing problems. Logging and keeping accurate data of your food choices and activity could be a great way to stay motivated and recognize small changes you are making along the way!

Spatial – Individuals who are strong in spatial intelligence are great visualizers and often do well with maps, videos, pictures and charts! In order to stay motivated, use these strengths to your benefit, by charting your success or take before and after pictures to stay aware of all the progress you have made!

Bodily/kinesthetic – Good news for all you bodily and kinesthetic learners; exercise and movement is right up your alley! Your natural strength is in your ability to learn through movement. You can also use movement to help you reach your other health goals. For example, movements involving posture and breathing exercises can help control stress.  

Musical –  All you musical geniuses out there, get ready to turn up those speakers and jam to your favorite tunes while getting your workout routine on. Those of you that have strengths in music are great at recognizing tempos, rhythms, and melodies, and are generally good at developing solid routines. 

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Interpersonal – Due to the nature of our occupation, coaches are likely to have relatively high levels of interpersonal intelligence. People with interpersonal intelligence often find they are able to relate well to others and are very good communicators. Those of you with these skill sets as well will want to develop a strong support system to help aid you on your health journey. Look to your group, group coach, and goal specialist for to help you learn more about yourself and grow together.

Intrapersonal – Introspection is the name of the game with individuals who have strong intrapersonal intelligence. As an introspective person, you will have a very strong grasp of what your strengths and weaknesses are, which can be very helpful in developing realistic and specific goals. Sharing your self-awareness and open dialogue with your coach and group will be very helpful to you feeling in control over your health and future! 

If you are interested in learning more about which intelligence you favor simply search for “Gardner’s multiple intelligence assessment” on your Internet search engine!