‘Been there done that’ is often the voice inside your head when you hear that a new weight loss gimmick has hit the market. One pill or program after another is rehashed or rebranded to look like something innovative, scientific, and more legitimate than its predecessor. But all of these empty methods have one thing in common: they go against human nature. Here are 5 weight loss strategies you should give up immediately:
1. Dieting
Diets set you up to fail from the start. We rebel against rules we impose on ourselves all the time. Why would it be any different with an activity that nourishes us and keeps us alive, satisfies all kinds of voids, and ties in so closely with survival instincts? Things we need increase in value and become more desirable the instant they’re taken away. Psychological and biological triggers kick in and begin justifying need, even though no one needs potato chips and donuts to actually survive. But our minds and bodies work together like a communication network to respond to things like cravings and hunger in a myriad of ways.
Even when diets are somewhat effective, they are always temporary and unsustainable. Eventually, you go back to your normal eating habits, and the weight returns. Insert defeat, guilt, and shame, and you start to store up all kinds of new ammunition to carry around with you to ensure failure the next time around. It’s a lose-lose situation full of stress and mental barriers that can actually cause long-term weight gain!
2. Going it alone
Humans are social by nature. We rely on each other to survive. We need support to thrive. True weight loss takes a village, in a way, because lifestyle changes are necessary for long term weight loss success. And you’re not going to get that by working on a weight loss journey in a silo.
Just like our minds and bodies fire off commands and responses in an intricate network of cells and communication, we as humans are most successful when we manifest this model and work within communities. Sharing knowledge, accepting help, being vulnerable, reveling in successes, and having the mental strength to move past pitfalls and failures are what sets Noom apart from other weight loss programs. You immediately gain access to coaches, support staff, and other Noomers. It’s a weight loss program that makes a difference and makes space for its members to impact each other in a positive, community-based way.
3. Setting unrealistic goals or expectations
Many people try to lose far too much weight in far too little time – often in preparation for a big day or special occasion. This kind of weight loss crash-course is tempting, but not a good idea! When you falter a bit, it’ll feel too big and tend to discourage you.
Noom starts with small goals that are realistic and set you on the path to success right away. The program takes into account your current weight, your desired weight, and what it takes to get you there within realistic timelines and expectations. You’re not going to be promised miraculous weight loss of 10 pounds a week or get tricked into thinking a loss in water weight is true weight loss.
Noom is designed by psychologists with every type of person in mind, so you’re not offered canned information that is expected to apply to everyone. Your unique plan is determined by a personal evaluation to start, and monitored every step of the way by certified Noom staff who can make adjustments and provide support.
4. Forgetting to exercise
Remember the psychology and biology stuff we talked about earlier? Staying active will assist in getting that blood flowing, increasing endorphins, and supporting other healthy habits, and will be helpful in helping you keep the weight off long-term. Developing and sharing the healthy habit of exercising also encourages others to be active. And you might just end up with a new running or Pilates partner!
Starting out with small goals is also a good idea with exercise. If you’re not typically super active, try brisk walks to start. Or a neighborhood yoga class. Eventually you’ll crave rigorous workouts to enhance your regimen. Building up to a run or a trying out a tough exercise video are some transitional ideas to incorporate more intense exercise when you’re ready. Noom provides plenty of support in this arena with tons of ideas and a community of fellow Noomers cheering you on along the way. You’ll also have access to tools that help you track your activity.
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5. Counting on calorie counting only
While counting calories can seem appealing for those of us who like a system, obsessing over that number can spiral into problematic behavior that isn’t beneficial to mental or physical health.
Noom focuses on tracking your food as a tool to increase your self-awareness around your habits, how foods make you feel, and how foods impact your goals, and to encourage mindfulness.
While knowledge is power, action is change. Action requires support, motivation, and other tools that calorie counting alone can’t help with.
Most weight loss tactics are too drastic, too time consuming, or in opposition to effective change on a lifestyle-level. No wonder they’re hard to keep up with. Your mind can get discouraged and preoccupied with failure, which only puts a damper on your success. This is why we built Noom. It makes sense for any lifestyle, and helps you achieve long-term, sustainable weight loss. Start today and explore the app with a free 14-day trial period!