Author: Stephanie Santoro
What is ChiroThin?
ChiroThin is a low-calorie weight loss program accompanied by a supplement of liquid drops. It is sold exclusively to chiropractors by its parent company ChiroNutraceutical. The company claims users will lose about 35 pounds in 42 days, but you basically have to starve yourself on their 500-calorie diet for it to work.
You can only obtain ChiroThin through licensed, participating chiropractors who are then responsible for overseeing the six-week program. Regular follow up visits are required and the program focuses primarily on appetite suppression, fat burn, and metabolic rate.
ChiroThin Cost
The only way to find any hint of ChiroThin’s pricing is to sift through online reviews, which reveal that it’s somewhere between $500 and $550 to the customer. Pricing between the chiropractic offices and ChiroNutraceutical is confidential business and not disclosed publicly, which makes it difficult to determine markup rates to customers or commission rates earned by chiropractors.
The fees don’t seem to stop with the purchase of the program, however. There are no set standards for how many follow-up visits are needed, but it appears that weekly check-ins with the chiropractor are required with the doctor at the very least. Any number of additional fees or add-on treatments can continue to add to the price tag of this already costly program.
ChiroThin Process and Guidelines
Subscribing to the ChiroThin weight loss program involves several requirements, according to customer experience reviews.
To get started, you must have the ability to:
- Commit to a six-week period to complete the program.
- Pay $500-$550 for the program.
- Pay for additional appointments.
- Pass a physical performed by the chiropractor (no one with a serious health condition can participate).
- Participate in a body measurement process.
To maintain the ChiroThin weight loss program, the patient must be willing to commit to:
- Consuming only 500 calories per day.
- Repeated visits to the chiropractor for evaluations.
- Taking ChiroThin drops every day before eating.
Some points to consider before signing up for ChiroThin:
- The program is administered by a chiropractor, who may have no expertise in dietary standards, nutrition, or other health conditions that could put you at risk when taking ChiroThin.
- The ingredients in the ChiroThin drops are considered proprietary and are not shared with customers.
- There are no studies regarding effectiveness of the drops and no way of knowing whether the claims made for them are true. It is possible the weight loss associated with ChiroThin is primarily due to the strict diet plan and the drops simply work as a placebo for motivation.
- While the program claims to reset body mass index (BMI) and basal metabolic rate (BMR) by effecting long term change, medical professionals have argued that the plan is dangerous, could slow the metabolism, and that clients are likely to gain any lost weight back once they are back to eating normally.
What’s in ChiroThin drops?
The ingredients of ChiroThin are even fuzzier than the pricing. The short answer is that no one seems to know what’s in the drops.
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Maintaining that it’s a proprietary formula, ChiroNutraceutical will only disclose that the drops are an all-natural, high-end, supplement, with a brief mention of amino acids and vitamins.
For someone on medication or concerned with dietary restrictions, allergies, or health concerns, there’s no way for them to determine whether ChiroThin is healthy or safe.
ChiroThin Side Effects
Contrary to what sellers or marketers of this product might say, a number of side effects have been reported. That includes nosebleeds, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, starvation symptoms, fluctuation and cessation of periods in women, lethargy, and brain fog.
ChiroThin: Not a Long Term or Healthy Solution
As we can see, ChiroThin makes a lot of claims about weight loss—including that you’ll have better eating habits after you get through the program. But this is highly unlikely.
In fact, you won’t even find customer testimonials stating this. Consuming only 500 calories per day is not realistic or life sustaining. The program does not teach habits that are attainable in any long-term way, let alone healthy in the short-term.
Between the secrecy around its self-proclaimed all natural, proprietary formula, and attempts to legitimize itself via limited accessibility through chiropractors, ChiroThin fosters little more than an illusion of exclusivity and credibility. In actuality, these tactics should provoke some concern, if not outright suspicion.
Cryptic statements and secretive behavior results in the opposite of genuine trust between you and those supporting you in you weight loss efforts.
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