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Success Story: Brittany Hill

1 min Read

Brittany Hill found Noom in the Google Play Store just at the right time: six months before her wedding. She had been battling years of depression and continuous weight gain. She couldn’t remember a time when she hadn’t been unhappy with her body. Way back in high school, Brittany could feel herself becoming conscious of her […]

Brittany Hill found Noom in the Google Play Store just at the right time: six months before her wedding. She had been battling years of depression and continuous weight gain. She couldn’t remember a time when she hadn’t been unhappy with her body.
Way back in high school, Brittany could feel herself becoming conscious of her weight and being “heavier” than most people. She says there was always a voice in the back of her head, telling her she was ugly, fat, and unlovable.
But at age 16, she entered a serious relationship and began to see herself differently. Brittany was finally sensing happiness. She soon became pregnant and the inevitable happened: she began gaining weight. By the end of the pregnancy, Brittany was up to 182 pounds. She didn’t think gaining 20-25 pounds from the pregnancy would be so bad – it shouldn’t have been that hard to lose. But as she began to settle back into her life, she felt her sadness returning. “How can I raise a child? What just happened?” she kept asking herself.
As Brittany grappled with her new life, she realized something needed to change. She felt lost in her own world. She craved freedom. She needed to find strength. She needed courage. She wanted to feel good about herself.
So, just six months before her wedding, Brittany finally stepped on the scale and weighed in at 215 pounds. She says, “I had finally hit the point of no return and realized I was the only person who could fix what I felt was broken.”
She found Noom and figured, why not? “What am I waiting for?” she asked herself.
With Noom, Brittany quickly realized how poorly she had been treating her body. She always loved cooking, and was able to get back into it with healthier guidance and knowledge from the Noom app. She enjoyed being able to watch her body go through these healthy changes. By the time of her wedding, she was already down to 190 pounds, and a dress size 16. “I was happy, healthy, and beautiful that day,” she says.
But Brittany wasn’t quite satisfied. She kept working to lose weight and saw further changes not just with her clothes, but her skin, hair, and shoe size as well. Two years after her wedding day, she finally reached her goal of 135 pounds and she was thrilled.
Today at age 26, Brittany still has her struggles and isn’t always where she would like to be with her weight. But her mindset has grown far beyond that sad girl she used to be in high school. She says she no longer looks to others for approval of her body. She wants to stop counting calories so vigorously and just trust herself to make the right decisions. “Believe in yourself and find support in whatever you can,” she says. “I just want to be myself because in the end, I am all I have.” Way to go, Brittany!