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How walking can help you lose weight

1 min Read

Reviewed by:

Dr Odhett Cojocaru, MD


Discover how walking regularly can help you lose weight. Learn the benefits and tips to integrate walking into your weight loss plan with Noom.

What you’ll learn:

  • Regular walking can boost weight loss by burning calories and increasing your metabolism.
  • Incorporating walking into your daily routine is a low-impact and enjoyable way to improve overall health and well-being.       
  • Walking also reduces stress and improves mood, making sticking to your weight loss goals easier.   

What if losing weight was as easy as taking a daily walk? It might sound too good to be true, but walking, an activity we often overlook, can actually be a highly effective weight loss tool. Walking not only burns calories, but it also helps improve cardiovascular health and supports metabolism. Plus, it can be done almost anywhere with minimal equipment. 

This low-impact exercise is easier on the joints than other forms of exercise and can be sustained over long periods, making it accessible to people of all fitness levels. 

Noom supports hitting the pavement by automatically tracking your daily step count. By integrating walking into your daily routine, Noom helps you build sustainable habits that promote weight loss. The app encourages gradual increases in daily steps, allowing you to set realistic goals that align with your weight loss journey. Walking may seem simple, but with Noom’s step tracking and personalized guidance, it becomes a powerful tool in your overall health and fitness plan.

The science behind walking for weight loss

When you walk, your body burns calories and increases your metabolism, which helps you lose weight when combined with a low-calorie diet. Research shows that people who walked for 30 minutes five days a week while also following a calorie-restricted diet experienced significant reductions in body weight, body fat percentage, and BMI.

The benefits don’t stop there. Regular walking can transform your body and support long-term weight loss. It can also build lean muscle and burn fat, including belly fat, which is linked to health issues like heart disease and diabetes.

Remember, consistency is key. Make walking a regular part of your routine to see lasting results. And the best part? You don’t need any special equipment or a gym membership to start. Just lace up your shoes and head out the door. Your body will thank you for it! 

Mental health benefits of walking

Walking isn’t just good for your body—it’s great for your mind, too! A simple walk can work wonders when you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed. It’s like giving your brain a mini vacation. Here’s what can happen with a brisk walk:

  • Stress might melt away: Notice how a walk can clear your head? That’s because walking helps reduce stress hormones like cortisol. Bonus: When stress levels drop, you’re less likely to turn to food for comfort. Walking can be a powerful tool in managing emotional eating, which is often a speed bump in weight loss journeys.
  • Sleep could improve: Regular walks can enhance your sleep quality, giving you more energy to make healthy choices throughout the day. 
  • Your mood could get a boost:  As you move, your body releases chemicals called endorphins that help you feel more relaxed and happier. Walking outdoors, especially in green spaces, can uplift your mood even more, making it an exercise you’ll actually look forward to.

How much should you walk to lose weight?

Wondering how much you need to walk to lose weight? The good news is that you don’t need to spend hours pounding the pavement to see results as long as you follow a calorie-restricted diet. The World Health Organization recommends about 20 minutes of moderate-intensity movement per day. This translates to roughly 150 minutes per week, but remember, more is better, especially if you want to lose weight. 

Everyone’s body is different, and your ideal walking amount may vary based on your current fitness level, weight loss goals, and overall health.

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Aim to walk at least three days a week to see noticeable weight loss results. As you build strength and endurance, you can gradually increase your walking frequency, duration, or intensity. For example, start with three 20-minute walks per week and work up to five 30-minute walks. The key is to find a routine that fits your schedule and feels challenging but manageable. 

Remember, the best exercise for weight loss is one you enjoy and can stick with long-term. Noom believes joyful movement is essential to sustainable weight loss, so choose a walking schedule that makes you feel good and energized, not drained or overwhelmed.

Setting realistic walking goals

Setting achievable goals is key to staying motivated and consistent when walking for weight loss. Here’s how to set realistic walking goals that will keep you on track:

  • Start small. Set a manageable goal, such as walking for 10 minutes a day, three times a week. This approach helps prevent burnout and builds confidence.
  • Gradually increase your time. Once you’re comfortable with your initial routine, add five minutes to your walks each week. This steady progression helps your body adapt.
  • Set a step goal. Aim for 10,000 steps per day, but start with a lower target if needed. Noom can adjust your daily calorie target based on your step count, supporting your weight loss journey.
  • Mix up your intensity. As you build endurance, incorporate brisk walking. A 150-pound person can burn about 160 calories in 30 minutes of moderate walking (around 3.5 miles per hour), and nearly 230 calories walking quickly (about 4.5 miles per hour).
  • Be consistent. As we mentioned, aim to walk at least three days a week for noticeable weight loss results. Consistency trumps intensity when it comes to long-term success.

By setting realistic goals and gradually increasing your walking routine, you’re more likely to stick with it and see lasting results. 

Tracking your progress

Tracking your progress is just as important as the walking itself because it boosts motivation and accountability.

Research supports this, showing that using digital health tools for tracking weight loss efforts can lead to more success. Noom makes it easy to log your daily steps, set goals, and monitor your weight loss. As you track your progress, you’ll be able to see patterns emerge and adjust your walking routine as needed. For instance, on days when you hit 10,000 steps, you might notice you feel more energized and make better food choices.

But it’s not just about the numbers. Noom’s approach goes beyond simple step counting. We help you understand the ‘why’ behind your walking habits, encouraging you to reflect on how you feel after each walk. This mindful approach can help you stay motivated even when the scale doesn’t budge.

Best walking tips for weight loss

Now that you know what walking can do for you, here are some practical tips to make every step count:

  1. Focus on your walking pace

Walking at a brisk pace can significantly increase calorie burn. Aim for a speed where you can comfortably talk but find singing challenging. This pace keeps you in the fat-burning zone without overexertion.

  1. Maintain proper posture

Getting the most out of your walk starts with proper form. Good posture not only helps prevent injuries but also maximizes the effectiveness of your walking workout. Here are some key tips to level up your walking technique:

  • Stand tall: Keep your head up and your eyes forward to engage your core muscles and promote better breathing.
  • Relax shoulders: Maintain relaxed shoulders to avoid hunching or tension in your upper body.
  • Swing arms naturally: Keep your arms close to your body, swinging them naturally to maintain balance and increase calorie burn.
  • Step correctly: Land on your heel and roll through to your toes with each step to evenly distribute weight and reduce joint strain.
  • Take shorter steps: Opt for shorter, quicker steps instead of long strides for faster, more efficient walking.
  • Engage core: Activate your core muscles to develop posture and strengthen abdominal muscles.
  1. Vary your routes

Mixing up your walking paths keeps your routine exciting and challenges different muscle groups, especially when you include hills or stairs. This variety increases the effectiveness of your workout. Walking uphill or up stairs engages more muscles and increases heart rate, leading to greater calorie burn. Even slight inclines can make a significant difference.

  1. Incorporate intervals 

To increase your calorie burn and build muscle, consider adding intervals to your routine:

  • Try interval training: Alternate speeds during your walk. Start by walking at a moderate pace for three minutes, then briskly for one minute. 
  • Gradually increase intensity: Slowly build up the intensity of your walking by extending your intervals of brisk walking.
  1. Create a routine you enjoy

The best walking routine is one you enjoy and can maintain long-term. Start with small changes and build gradually to avoid burnout. Mixing up your walks with intervals and hills will burn more calories and keep your routine engaging.

Making walking a part of your lifestyle

Walking is more than just a way to get from point A to point B—it’s a surprisingly effective strategy for weight loss and overall well-being. Regular walking can enhance your metabolism, burn calories, reduce fat overall, and reduce stress. 

The best part? It’s accessible to almost everyone, regardless of fitness level or budget. By setting realistic goals, tracking your progress, and using proper techniques, you can transform your daily strolls into effective weight-loss workouts.

Embracing a healthier lifestyle starts with a single step. As you build your walking routine, be sure to combine it with Noom’s personalized support to help you create sustainable habits and reach your weight loss goals. 

With Noom, you’ll get access to tools to track your progress, adjust your calorie goals based on your activity level, and provide the motivation you need to keep moving forward.